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Mini-Comprehensive Services

Mini-Comprehensive Services offer families more specific assistance, focused on the initial phase as well as the application phase of college admissions planning.

Consultations during the initial phase include:


  • identifying your values and interests

  • identifying possible majors and careers for you

  • building a list of colleges that best suits your needs and desires

Consultations during the application phase include:


  • resume development and creating activity lists

  • advice on SAT/ACT testing 

  • feedback on college application essays and other key features of applying

  • timelines and schedules to guide you through the application process.

All along the way, you will receive customized coaching, objective advice, and quick responses to your questions and concerns.

Rachel August-Dapkewicz, Ph. D., Independent Educational Consultant

Jack Dapkewicz, Math Educator and Math Coach

Daps College Admissions Planning Service

Davis, CA


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