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Learning Differences, College and You

Learning differences don’t define you. But, the better you manage a learning difference in college, the more success you will have as a college student. Unfortunately, the IEP and 504 a student may have used during high school are not sufficient documentation for college.


We offer a specialized service that can be added to any of our regular services, to help identify specific colleges that will meet your unique learning needs. This includes review of your current learning and accommodation plans, consideration of the kinds of environments and services you’ll need to thrive, assessments for college readiness, and guidance for parents and students on how the accommodation process will work in college. Please contact us via our contact page for more information.

Rachel August-Dapkewicz, Ph. D., Independent Educational Consultant

Jack Dapkewicz, Math Educator and Math Coach

Daps College Admissions Planning Service

Davis, CA


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